Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rain Could Really Help My Broccoli Plants

I guess I should be careful for what I wish for because this past week I got plenty of rain.  It actually rained the entire week and I wasn't able to go outside that much.  I did happen to find some time to pick more peppers during the week.  I wanted to pick the last of my eggplants, but that will have to wait for sometime this week.

My peppers are still growing quite well despite the drop in temperatures over the past week or so.  I am sure that this will help out my broccoli as long as temperatures do not drop too much.  They will last all the way until the ground freezes which happens around late November to December.  Here are the two harvests I got from my pepper plants.

Some pretty good sizes that I could be proud of and hope to have again next year as long as I grow the same kind.  I am not ready to start thinking about next season and that will come around the beginning of July.

My eggplants are doing quite well and as I said earlier I will be picking them sometime this week.  Check out how they look in these photos.

I hope to be picking broccoli soon because this is one of my favorite vegetables.  Although it has a bad reputation of being a hated vegetable I think it is one of the best because of its incredible health benefits.  Plenty of vitamins in minerals can be found in these small vegetables.  I just want to give you an update on my broccoli and how the rain this week has helped them and will help them.

I am almost at that time of the season when I have to clean up close up the garden as least for the summer plants that will die with the first frost.

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