Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The End of the Season Harvesting

The only plants that are still standing in my garden are my broccoli plants and my carrots.  I always pick carrots during the week of Thanksgiving in order to have the freshest carrots possible.  I will hopefully be harvesting broccoli through this week and maybe into December if I am lucky.

So far I have cleaned up much of the garden and I am continuing to harvest broccoli at the same time.  I wanted to get the larger stuff done first which includes the bean trellis and tomato stakes.  These two take some time because the tomato stakes have the ties on them which I have to remove in order to use them for next season.  This is time consuming but is definitely worth it.  The bean trellis isn't so bad to take down and since it is not being used it is pointless to leave it standing out in the garden.

The garden still looks like a mess, but that is due mainly to much of the debris that I have piled into one of the totes or is just in one large pile.  I will be getting rid of this debris in the course of time, but for now I am leaving it in the garden.  I still have some things that I need to bring in, but I did get the harder stuff done first.

For now check out my broccoli plants and heads below.

I did notice that some peppers were also still hanging onto the dead plants.  Picking them right away after a frost is a good way to save as many peppers as possible.

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