Sunday, October 18, 2015

Broccoli and Peppers Continuing to Grow While Beans are Done

Right now it seems like my pole beans are done for the season.  I did pick the last of what I could find on the vines this week.  Eleven pounds is what I got and is much more than I thought I would be able to pick from them.  They didn't look like there was much left, but I guess I underestimated the growth of my pole beans.  Hopefully I can have a good harvest of beans next year.  Check them out below.

Peppers were next on my list for harvesting and there were many peppers that needed harvesting right away.  Many of them were a real good size.  Most of them were perfect size and I can't wait to start using them in the next couple of weeks.  While I did pick nine of them there are probably the same amount or more still growing on the plants.  I would surmise that there are a few more harvests to come.

Broccoli will last for another couple months or so much longer than my peppers will.  I will rely on my broccoli to give me a good harvest in order to end the year on a good note.  I always like to end the year with a really good harvest.  Whether it would be my cabbage, broccoli, or even my carrots which I will pick just before Thanksgiving.  This year I decided on picking my broccoli to give me the best harvest of the fall season.  Right now the heads are growing on all my plants while the heads I have picked are beginning to see side shoots take over.

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