Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Few Vegetable and Fruit Plants Added to My Garden

This week was about transplanting almost everything that I had grown indoors this past spring and late Winter.  It was finally time to get them in the ground especially with the warm weather that we have been experiencing.  This is not good for my onions or spinach, but it is definitely good for my melons and tomatoes.

I am just about done with my fruits and vegetables and all that is left is a couple of squash transplants and some seeds that I need to plant.  I should be done by tomorrow as long as the weather holds up and I don't waste anytime.  Here are some of the transplants I got in the ground this week.

I would suggest visiting my website for the full list of plants that I was able to get into the garden this week.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Getting Lettuce, Flowers, and Seeds Added to the Garden

The very first thing after tilling the garden is getting as many plants as you can into the garden in order for them to get accustomed to the soil quickly.  Lettuce was the first plants I got into the garden and they were easy because I didn't have to take them out of the containers because peat pots can go right into the soil.  The plant roots will go right through them very easily.

Next up were my flowers.  I like to plant them in between rows throughout the garden.  I placed my alyssum and dill along the borders of the garden so that they are not in the way of my plants and still have plenty of room to grow.

Yesterday I got some of my corn rows and beans completed.  Once I had setup my bean trellis I could start planting seeds for my beans and corn rows.  I wanted to get my carrot seeds in the ground before it started raining so that it could benefit from a small rain shower.  Sadly I ran out of time and I will have to plant them a little later.  Luckily it doesn't take long for them to grow and then mature for harvesting.  I have plenty of time to plant my carrot seeds.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cutting Spinach Leaves Along With Tilling Garden Soil

It was time to start picking spinach and that is what I ended up doing this week.  I had some large dark leaves that were perfect for eating and I tried a couple before picking them to make sure that they were not bitter.  I had given them some lime a couple of days earlier to make sure that they would not be bitter.  When I tasted they definitely were not bitter and actually quite good.

Since it was the morning I didn't want to eat many of them and wanted to save them for lunchtime.  I made a sandwich with them and they were very delicious.  Soon I will be planting my lettuce into the ground and then I can use both of them.  Hopefully my spinach plants will last that long.  As long as we keep having cool weather they will last as long as possible.

Now it was time to till the rest of the garden now that good weather is here, or at least sunny weather.  I don't like tilling the garden after a good rain because the soil will come up as clumps and can be a pain to till through.  That is why tilling while the soil is a little moist, but not too wet or dry is the perfect time to cultivate the soil.

Before and after pictures of tilling my garden.

The garden is now ready for planting which includes transplants that I have been hardening over the past couple of weeks.  This also includes beneficial flowers that have been outside over a month and need to get into the garden right away before they become too pot bound.  I will also be planting lettuce, beans, corn, carrots and much more in the next few days hopefully.
Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Latest Progress of my Fruit and Vegetable Plants

I didn't want to write a long post and bore you to death, but instead I am going to give a small update on how some of my plants have been doing.  This month will start the garden season with tilling the entire garden, planting seeds of corn, beans and more, and transplanting many plants.  After May I should have everything that I need in the garden.  This includes some seeds that will be planted directly into the garden.

Most of my plants are doing well and I have given updates previously on onions, spinach, and many flowers.  Today I want to share with you all my other plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, and more.  The pictures below are of plants that I have not given an update on this year.

My lettuce plants this season were not doing well outside and it might have been due to the weather.  I didn't think that they would come back at all, but they are now doing very good and I should be placing them outside before I till the entire garden.  As you know I grow both iceberg and the ruby glow hybrid lettuce.

Here are my tomatoes that were one of the first fruits that I started indoors.  They do take some time to grow indoors especially if there is limited amount of sunlight.  These are perfect plants to be grown in greenhouses.  Despite not having a greenhouse they are thriving.

I planted both zucchini and pumpkins which are both squash plants and that is what is pictured below.  Within a couple of weeks this plant is already thriving with several leaves.  I love how fast that these plants grow and how easy it is to care for them.  I hope to place them outside real soon.

The last one I want to show you are my cucumber plants.  They might not look exactly how they should, but once I get some good weather and harden them off I am sure that they will look healthy and vibrant.