Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Latest Progress of my Fruit and Vegetable Plants

I didn't want to write a long post and bore you to death, but instead I am going to give a small update on how some of my plants have been doing.  This month will start the garden season with tilling the entire garden, planting seeds of corn, beans and more, and transplanting many plants.  After May I should have everything that I need in the garden.  This includes some seeds that will be planted directly into the garden.

Most of my plants are doing well and I have given updates previously on onions, spinach, and many flowers.  Today I want to share with you all my other plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, and more.  The pictures below are of plants that I have not given an update on this year.

My lettuce plants this season were not doing well outside and it might have been due to the weather.  I didn't think that they would come back at all, but they are now doing very good and I should be placing them outside before I till the entire garden.  As you know I grow both iceberg and the ruby glow hybrid lettuce.

Here are my tomatoes that were one of the first fruits that I started indoors.  They do take some time to grow indoors especially if there is limited amount of sunlight.  These are perfect plants to be grown in greenhouses.  Despite not having a greenhouse they are thriving.

I planted both zucchini and pumpkins which are both squash plants and that is what is pictured below.  Within a couple of weeks this plant is already thriving with several leaves.  I love how fast that these plants grow and how easy it is to care for them.  I hope to place them outside real soon.

The last one I want to show you are my cucumber plants.  They might not look exactly how they should, but once I get some good weather and harden them off I am sure that they will look healthy and vibrant.

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