Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cutting Spinach Leaves Along With Tilling Garden Soil

It was time to start picking spinach and that is what I ended up doing this week.  I had some large dark leaves that were perfect for eating and I tried a couple before picking them to make sure that they were not bitter.  I had given them some lime a couple of days earlier to make sure that they would not be bitter.  When I tasted they definitely were not bitter and actually quite good.

Since it was the morning I didn't want to eat many of them and wanted to save them for lunchtime.  I made a sandwich with them and they were very delicious.  Soon I will be planting my lettuce into the ground and then I can use both of them.  Hopefully my spinach plants will last that long.  As long as we keep having cool weather they will last as long as possible.

Now it was time to till the rest of the garden now that good weather is here, or at least sunny weather.  I don't like tilling the garden after a good rain because the soil will come up as clumps and can be a pain to till through.  That is why tilling while the soil is a little moist, but not too wet or dry is the perfect time to cultivate the soil.

Before and after pictures of tilling my garden.

The garden is now ready for planting which includes transplants that I have been hardening over the past couple of weeks.  This also includes beneficial flowers that have been outside over a month and need to get into the garden right away before they become too pot bound.  I will also be planting lettuce, beans, corn, carrots and much more in the next few days hopefully.

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