Sunday, August 6, 2017

More Vegetable Harvests will be Coming Very Soon

I will be very surprised if I don’t start harvesting my corn this coming week.  Most of the stalks have about one to two ears on them and a few of the earlier ones are actually close to picking.  I checked a couple of them today and they are still white which means they should be turning yellow very soon with some good sun in the next few days.

Roma Tomato
On the other hand some of my tomatoes are starting to turn as well.  Cherry tomatoes as you well know I have been picking for about a couple of weeks, but my other tomatoes I have not started yet.  That should soon change with a few of my regular tomatoes and sauce tomatoes are a light orange color at the moment.

I might also start picking some more zucchini in a week or so now that my plants are producing more of them for me to pick.  It took a little bit longer before they could produce a second batch, but at least they are starting to grow some more for another harvest of them.

Last, but not least my eggplants have started producing flowers and only one has a vegetable beginning to grow from it.  Eggplants take a while to mature and that is why I am not surprised that it took this long to produce a vegetable that I am looking forward to harvest in less than a month hopefully.

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