Saturday, September 2, 2017

Looking To Pick the First Cantaloupe in Near Future

Cantaloupe on VineIt looks like in the next couple of days or so I should see the first cantaloupe harvest of the season.  I am not certain about all of my melons, but one of the cantaloupes that I was looking at seems to be just about ready to pick.  If it falls off the vine tomorrow I will not be surprised because it could have been picked today, but decided to wait another day or two at the most.

Roma TomatoesOn the other hand my tomatoes are just continuing to ripen and there doesn't look like there is an end in sight to these fruits.  I am glad I am getting many Roma tomatoes because I can use those for some great sauces because of their meaty interior.  I picked about a full bowl of them which is about a little over 20 pounds.

Cherry and Steakhouse TomatoesEven though the focus is mainly on Roma tomatoes I did also have some time to pick more cherry and steakhouse tomatoes this afternoon.  I still have many cherry tomatoes left on most of the plants, but there is a limited supply to steakhouse tomatoes on these plants.  I have been picking these large tomatoes over the past week so I have plenty to use for my noontime sandwiches.  I also have plenty of cherry tomatoes for many future salads.

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