Monday, March 25, 2019

Time to Get Those Four Types of Tomato Seeds into Containers for Indoor Planting

That is right I have four different types of tomatoes that I am going to be planting this season instead of the usual three that I grow every year.  I thought it would be good to try another type of tomato instead of the same every season.  I happen to see a couple of them in the store that I thought would be good for the garden.  I picked up big boy tomato seeds and a super beefsteak.

 Big Boy Hybrid and Supersteak Hybrid Seeds

I would have liked to plant my tomatoes indoors a little bit sooner than this past weekend, but I think they should do fine as long as I place them under fluorescent lights to give them a good head start.  There is no room on the windowsill which makes this a necessity to put them under lights for the time being until they sprout.

Planted Tomato Seeds Indoors
 I will be continuing to plant cherry and Roma tomatoes which happen to have real benefits.  Roma tomatoes can be made into sauce or other delicious foods and cherry tomatoes are just perfect placed into a salad.  If I get a large harvest of cherry tomatoes like I did last year I can make them into a salsa before they turn moldy. 

Right now my spring crops have begun to sprout this past week.  All the spinach seeds that were planted are now through the soil along with other crops such as lettuce, broccoli, and some celery.  I am hoping by next week everything should be up through the soil or at least just poking through the soil. 

I plan on planting some more seeds very soon which could include melons, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and many more.  I also still have many flowers that need to be planted which will come very soon as well. 

I might have to get another fluorescent light because my tomatoes are using the two that I use every season for everything.  Although I might not have to once I get my spring crop outside during the daytime I can then have more room on the windowsill.
Saturday, March 16, 2019

What is New this Year for My Spring Crop?

This years spring crop is revolving mostly around lettuce.  I actually have seven different variety of lettuce seeds that I bought his year that I decided on growing.  I didn’t think I bought this many, but this should make my garden much more diverse with different types of lettuce and other seeds.

I am growing at least one from each type of lettuce which includes butterhead, looseleaf, iceberg, and of course romaine.  I have three different types of romaine which makes up the bulk of my lettuce seeds this season.  Two looseleafs and one of iceberg and butterhead make up the other half of my seeds.

Indoor Planting

It wouldn’t be a good spring crop if I didn’t add spinach to the list as well.  I normally start spinach much sooner, but I decided on planting these seeds at the same time as my other spring seeds that I have placed on the windowsill. 

This time I am using different types of containers for these seeds.  These particular plants have a deep tap root and need plenty of vertical room in order to grow correctly and prevent them from going to seed too soon.  I have planted them in smaller containers before and they would always go to seed very quickly which makes them useless for harvesting.

New Containers

This time I avoided small containers and used longer vertical ones that should provide enough room for the main root to grow without becoming pot bound.  I planted six seeds of my spinach and all the others I have only planted three since there are many seeds I am using for a spring crop.

The last of my spring crop include brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, and broccoli.  My broccoli I will be picking through the entire season hopefully since it is a hybrid that can withstand the hot sunny days during the summer months.  As for the other three they are pretty much regular types of seeds and I am giving them a head start by planting them indoors first.
Thursday, March 7, 2019

What I Plan on Doing for the 2019 Gardening Season

This year I am hoping to be growing many new variety of plants and adding some brand new plants into the garden.  I am looking to have a much larger spring crop than usual which could include seeds such as cabbage, broccoli, and seven different types of lettuce, peas, radishes, and many more for this year’s springtime.

Along with new seeds and varieties I am also looking to grow some new plants this season too.  I was thinking about trying potatoes again but getting them from a local store instead of ordering them from a catalog.  I thought I would try something different in order to get a different outcome this season.

I am looking at possibly adding raspberries and maybe grapes into the garden.  I will most likely plant raspberries, but for grapes I am still up in the air about them.  Although they are a little bit more work it would definitely be worth all the trouble in the end.

I even thought about growing a fruit tree such as an apple or a peach tree.  There was one particular peach tree that actually grows five different types of peaches which can be picked at different times throughout the year.  The theory behind this is that you can pick them all year long instead of one large harvest and then done for the year.  I am still thinking about this as well.

In terms of seeds I have several varieties of lettuce that I plan on growing which includes all four types romaine, iceberg, butterhead, and looseleaf.  With seven different types of seeds I should be able to get a decent crop as long as the weather isn’t too bad.  I will most likely start these plants indoors before putting them outside this year.

Last year I just planted them directly into the soil and I did get some lettuce for picking, but they didn’t do as well as a transplant does.  I plan on planting much more of my seeds indoors instead of directly sowing them into the soil.  This is the best way to get a good start to the growing season in my opinion.  Let’s have a good gardening season for 2019.