Monday, July 25, 2016

The End of July Means Fall Seed Planting Begins

This is just an optional way of extending the growing season by planting fall seeds that can withstand the cool weather or sometimes require the cool weather to produce great tasting leaves.  Since time is always against me as a gardener I like to grow as much as I can in the allotted time that I have.  This is why I like to have a fall harvest and this is usually when I begin planting the seeds.

It is also a great way to grow different things for the current garden season.  This year I am planning on growing cabbage, kale, and broccoli.  These plants thrive in the colder weather and can also withstand some hot weather in case there are some hotter than normal days during September to October.  I planted eight of each plant into small pots today.

On a side note some of my cherry tomatoes have been turning red.  I noticed this yesterday when I was going through my plants and I noticed that some of my cherries were red.  They were not quite ripe to eat, but today I decided to pick one of them a give it a taste.  It was quite good for a first and I should be picking many more of them in the next couple of weeks at the most.  I hope it will be sooner, but these are just the early bloomers that like to ripen really fast and early.

I finally have my first honeydew melon of the season growing on one of the vines.  I only have two plants, but since I have never grown these before I think that this would be plenty for now.  I could always grow more next year, but for now I wanted to focus on the honeydew and my watermelons for this season.

Speaking of my watermelons I think that they are doing quite well right now.  I hope that they get as big as possible because it won't be the same eating a small watermelon.  I am not looking to grow a 200 lb watermelon, but I think a twenty to thirty pound melon would be perfect.  Take a look at a couple of them below.

I have a total of five watermelons growing at the moment and these are just two examples of how they are growing.  The others are pretty much the same in size and shape, but I wonder which one of these melons will be the biggest of the season.  Make sure to keep reading this blog to find out how big these watermelons can get this year.

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