Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Zucchini Harvesting Season has Begun

That is right the time for harvesting zucchini has started and that is what I did this past weekend.  They always grow much faster than you would think, but as long as they get bigger each day it was only a matter of time before I picked them.  The first one of the season was three pounds and about average in size for my liking.

Now that it is time for harvesting other fruits and vegetables my lettuce season is coming to an end.  The plants lasted a long time and I was able to pick them throughout the Spring and well into the warm and hot summer season. 

Normally when it gets too hot they go to seed and that is pretty much the end.  Before the lettuce season ends I was able to get on more large harvest of iceberg lettuce.  My Ruby glow might have one more harvest in them as well, but I don't think I will be picking as many leaves as previously.  Below are 80 leaves of iceberg lettuce picked recently.

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