Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Taking a Look at Some of My Progressing Fruits and Vegetables

This whole week has been busy in the garden especially with everything that is starting to produce flowers, fruit, and vegetables.  Right now it looks like my first zucchini of the year is going to be done within a week or so with good weather.  It has been growing every single day and it is definitely very noticeable to the naked eye that it is continuing to grow.  Once it stops growing or getting bigger that is how I know it is done.

All my tomatoes are growing and I have at least one of each type that has tomatoes.  This would include at least one steakhouse, one Roma, and one cherry tomato.  My cherry tomato plants at the moment actually have just flowers, but I am sure very soon this week I should have at least one growing on one of these plants.  Check out my steakhouse and Roma below.

One of my cucumber plants is already producing cucumbers, but at the moment none of them have been pollinated so far.  Luckily many of my other plants are starting to produce flowers as well and I think that my plants will have a better chance at pollination once most of my cucumbers are producing flowers.

Here is just one of those female flowers that have opened.  I am not sure if it received the pollen that was needed, but I should find out soon if it did or not.  This could possibly be the first cucumber of the season.

I did not mention my pumpkins in the previous post because they were not doing anything at the time.  Yesterday I noticed that a pumpkin had been growing on one of the vines for the past couple of days at least.  I didn't notice it earlier and it actually had an opened flower.  It was a sunny day and that is good because usually there are more of them during sunny mornings.  So there is a possibility that it had been pollinated, but I am not sure.

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