Sunday, June 12, 2016

Picking Iceberg Lettuce Leaves for the First Time This Season

I finally just started picking my lettuce leaves today and I was able to collect quite a few for the first harvest of 2016.  In total I got 70 leaves from only my iceberg lettuce and my Ruby glow hybrid are not ready yet and I will begin picking those leaves or the whole plant within a couple of weeks or so depending on weather conditions. 

Since it rained yesterday some of the leaves got some dirt on them which is nothing to fret about because I usually wash all the leaves I pick.  Soaking them in water is a good way to remove all the dirt from the leaves if you have never picked lettuce leaves before.

I also decided on taking some pictures of one of my plants just before I started picking leaves from it.  I wanted to see the difference between before harvesting and just after harvesting them.

The plants still look good and I wouldn't be surprised if I get plenty of more harvests from these plants.  I also am looking forward to picking some of my Ruby glow hybrid leaves.  I didn't get to pick them last year and was hoping to pick them this season and see how good they taste compared to iceberg or green lettuce.

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