Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Picking Some More Iceberg Lettuce Leaves

Another day of picking iceberg lettuce which makes this only the second harvest of the season.  I did pick up some Ruby glow lettuce last week and I hope to pick some more of them in the future as well.  Today I only focused on my iceberg lettuce because the leaves were getting quite large and I don't think that they could get any bigger.

Once they reach a certain size I always like to pick them soon before the leaves start to turn brown and are no longer edible.  Luckily with these plants the leaves did not turn brown or go bad and instead they just kept on growing and stayed green for quite awhile.  Nevertheless it was time to pick them and I really want to eat them so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor.

I gathered 72 leaves today which is about the same as the first harvest.  I would normally be disappointed in the amount, but the size of the leaves definitely makes up for the amount.  The size and quality of the leaves easily beats the quantity.  Since they were so big I had to use five containers in order to collect them.

I would say that all the leaves were much bigger than my hand and could easily be double the size.  I was surprised when I started picking them off the plant.  I don't think I had any small leaves from any of the plants that I harvested from today.

You might not be able to see it, but underneath this leaf is my hand.  As you can see these leaves were very large and I can't wait to eat them.

Now that I discussed about my lettuce I picked today I want to let you know that I placed ropes on my bean trellis.  The bean vines should start growing and climbing the ropes that I placed in front of them.  Some of them have started to climb while others are not quite at that stage yet.  In a week or two all my bean plants should be climbing.

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