Thursday, June 23, 2016

Seeing First Signs of Fruits and Vegetables

I thought I would write a post about a few plants that are starting to produce a couple of fruits and vegetables.  Granted these are probably just the early birds that are starting to grow, but nevertheless this is the start of the harvesting season.  I would say that the first vegetable that I will pick would be my zucchini.  It is the closest to being ready to be picked.

 This zucchini for the most part has been pollinated, but the one below still has a flower and I am not sure if a bee has done its job to that plant.  I would say in a day or so I should know whether or not it will be good.  If it doesn't rot real quick, then I can safely say that it was pollinated.

I am also getting some tomatoes on a few of my plants.  I am not quite sure what type of tomatoes they are, but I am certain that I will find out in a few days if not a week.  I usually don't label them except when they are in their pots growing inside, but once I put them outside I usually loose track of which one is which.  It is no big deal because as long as the plants grow tomatoes I will find out what they are.

If it is round then this would rule out Roma tomatoes and it means that it can only be cherry or steakhouse tomatoes.  If it is not round then obviously it is a Roma tomato.  For now I will just wait and see exactly what it can be.

The last vegetable I will discuss that I could possibly be getting real soon is my cucumbers.  Only one plant is actually starting to produce flowers.  They are still very small and have not flowered yet, but I am hoping that they will flower in the next couple of weeks.  It would be even better if they flowered and were pollinated at the same time.  It usually takes some time to get pollinated cucumbers, but I am sure that they will come in due time.

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