Sunday, July 31, 2016

Cherry Tomatoes are Now Ready for Harvesting

I just took a look at my tomato plants today and saw that many of them are growing good and have good looking tomatoes.  What interested me the most was my cherry tomato plants.  They had some that were perfectly red and ready to be eaten.  I had taken a few here and there that were ready about a week ago, but there wasn't enough for a harvest.  I also wanted to make sure that they tasted right.

Not any of my other tomatoes are ready for picking, but this always happens every year.  My cherry tomatoes start first and then a little bit more time passes and then I will start picking either my steakhouse tomatoes or my Roma super sauce tomatoes.  It depends on how much sun each plant gets and how long it has been growing.  Right now I think the next tomato will be one of my steakhouse tomatoes.  Those are perfect for sandwiches.

I picked 47 cherry tomatoes and this is just a first harvest.  I can't imagine how many more I will pick between the four plants that I have growing these amazing tomatoes.

I also had some beans that were ready for picking as well.  Not many beans this time, but I think once my vines get some flowers growing I will have another good harvest like I had previously.  This is just a third harvest of many more to come hopefully.

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