Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Getting to Harvest Zucchini Today and Soon Many Other Vegetables

Right now I have not harvested anything from my summer crop.  If you count blueberries as a summer crop, then I have only harvested one fruit this season.  Well all that changed today when I harvested the first zucchini of the season. 


Not only are my zucchini plants producing vegetables, but my cucumbers are on the verge of harvesting as well.  For now it is my straight eight cucumbers, but my pickle cucumbers will probably come shortly after these. 


 One pumpkin looks like it wants to grow right on the vine.  I have a pumpkin plant that has its first pumpkin growing right on the vine.  This is the first one of the season as well and with many other vines growing in the garden I hope to see more of them in the coming weeks.

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