Monday, July 17, 2017

Now Some Cucumbers can be Harvested Today

Cucumber HarvestI have left my cucumbers on the vines for plenty of days and it is now time to remove them from the vine and enjoy their amazing and sweet taste.  I wanted to pick them earlier, but I ended up harvesting them today instead. 

Four Zucchinis
I also decided to start picking all kinds of zucchinis that were growing in the garden.  I was only going to pick one or two, but I saw that many of them were hard enough that they needed to be removed from the plant today.  I collected only four average to large sized zucchinis.  I still have plenty out there and will continue picking them as long as the plants provide them.

Just a quick side note on my squash plants that include my pumpkins, I have found about three pumpkins that are pollinated and have started getting bigger each day.  As long as I keep feeding them and don’t let them get dry they should continue getting bigger. 

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