Sunday, July 30, 2017

Another Day Full of a Few New Harvests

I just decided to finally start picking my cherry tomatoes and some pole beans.  I was planning on picking them sometime this weekend and that is exactly what I did today.  There were also a few cucumbers that were also ready which makes for three simple harvests today.

Cherry TomatoesThere were just a few cherry tomatoes that were ready for picking, but there are many more that will hopefully start turning real soon to make even larger harvests.  I usually like to fill large bowls filled with cherry tomatoes.  I am actually waiting on my regular and Roma tomatoes to turn because those are the tomatoes I like to use the most.

Pole Beans
My beans this season were quite large and I would say that they were just shy of a foot long.  This goes for all the ones that I picked today.  Looking through the vines I saw that there were many more to pick and they were about the same size, but were just not ready to pick yet.

CucumbersJust wanted to mention the four cucumbers that I picked today as well.  Two were pickle cucumbers and the other two were just normal cucumbers.  I wasn't planning on picking a couple of them, but they were a decent size and I didn't want them to grow on the vine for too long.

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