Thursday, July 27, 2017

Start Getting Ready for Many Harvests in the Garden

Cucumber Harvest
It is that time when harvests of many fruits and vegetables will be coming.  For now I have started with zucchini, cucumbers, a couple of pickle cucumbers, and blueberries.  I have been looking through the garden and it looks like I have some beans to be picked very soon.  I could start picking them today, but instead I picked a couple of cucumbers that needed to be harvested right away.
Pole Beans
 You can see from the picture that my pole beans are growing, but they are just not quite ready for picking.  There are a few early birds that are ready and I might pick those this weekend, but the majority will most likely be ready in a week or so.
Cherry Tomato Ripening
It looks like tomato picking is on the horizon as well with a couple of my cherry tomatoes beginning to ripen.  It doesn’t take long for these types of tomatoes to start ripening since they are a much smaller size than the others that I am growing.  That is why they are the first to be picked which shouldn’t be that long from now.

Small Cantaloupe
I think I have a cantaloupe that has been pollinated recently.  One of the vines has many fruits, but there is only one that looks like it has been getting bigger once the flower fell off.  It could be the first melon of the season depending if it continues to grow or not.

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