Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cucumbers and Eggplant Added To The Garden and Sprouting Updates

Today I was able to get my eggplants and cucumbers into the soil and it didn't take that long especially with the rain that I am going to get tonight and tomorrow.  If I know there is going to be rain soon I always try to make certain that most of the important transplants are in the garden as well as all the seeds.  After a good rain they will grow very rapidly.

Corn is another seed that I had to plant in the ground as well.  I have now completed about four or five sections of corn planting.  I only have one left and then all the corn planting will be done for the season.  This means that I can soon start thinning them out and begin feeding them the nitrogen that these plants crave.

I showed you my bush beans that have begun to sprout, now I have discovered that my pole beans are coming through too.  They are pretty much the same as bush beans and there really is no difference in the beginning stages of their growth.  It is only later on when the pole beans begin growing taller before they start to produce flowers.

Carrot sprouts are beginning to come through as well and they are much smaller sprouts than most other plants.  It is important to know what they look like because you may mistake them for a piece of grass.  That is why if you are a beginner to wait until they have more than two leaves to be sure that they are in fact carrot sprouts.

At last I am getting to the end of planting corn seeds and I am left with just one more planting to go.  When this is done I can then focus on taking care of my plants and then remove the net over the garden as well.

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