Monday, June 23, 2014

Pictures of Growing Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes

Over the past week since the zucchini and tomatoes were pollinated I have been keeping track of their progress so that I can see exactly how fast they grow.  People that are new to gardening may not know how these vegetables and fruits start out.  This is why I am keeping track of them so that others can understand how they grow and how fast they are able to grow.

My first zucchini that was pollinated is the one that I am tracking for this blog.  I have many others coming along from my other plants, but for now I want to show you just one of which will grow fast when you are giving them what they need and the right conditions are being presented.  The first picture was taken this past Saturday and the second one was taken today.

Here are the cherry tomatoes that are still coming along and are growing slower due to the fact that they are small fruits to begin with.

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