Monday, June 9, 2014

Strawberry Harvest and Finishing Corn Planting

I finally was able to get all my corn plantings completed and was able to easily plant two successful rows of corn in simple five foot increments.  I now should expect to get corn in different times and they should only ripen throughout the season instead of all at once.

Not only did I finally finish the corn section, but I also had time to pick the first strawberries of this year.  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this because I didn't know if there was enough ripe strawberries to do anything with.  Luckily I received about a pound of these delicious fruits and enjoyed every minute of it. 

This is just the beginning and later on I will get more berries that I will eat and enjoy throughout the whole season.  I will keep you up to date on that aspect and let you know every time I go outside and pick these wonderful berries.

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