Monday, June 16, 2014

Zucchini and Tomatoes Producing Flowers of Some Interest

I have been seeing some flowers grow on many of my tomatoes, but only a couple of plants have actually started opening with promise of fruit coming soon.  My cherry tomatoes are always the first to produce anything because they don't need as much care as the others do.  I still end up staking them up so they are not left on the ground.  It will probably be a few days until I start to see fruit on these plants.

As you can see there are only flowers and no fruit just yet.

Zucchini is very easy to get flowers rather quickly.  They are normally the first vegetable in the garden that I happen to harvest first.  Male flowers come first followed by the female ones which are what we are looking for because that is the part that we end up eating.  I have a couple of plants that have already produced female flowers and one of them was not pollinated while the other may have.  I am not sure yet because it opened up today and it will take a day or so before I can tell if it was successfully pollinated.

This is the only thing that has been exciting for the most part.  I did pick some more strawberries which has been a great benefit to me.  They are not going to last long while I keep eating them everyday. 

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