Thursday, June 19, 2014

Updates on My Zucchini and Tomato Plants

So far my garden is going quite well and today I decided to just do a quick check on my plants to see if there is anything going on with them including pests, diseases, problems, or anything else that might be going on.  Today I received good news when I took a look at some of my tomatoes and zucchini.

One of the female zucchini flowers happened to get pollinated this week because it is growing fast which they do once they receive the material they need to produce these vegetables.  So far only one is confirmed to be pollinated, but there are more that are on their way from other plants.  I need to make sure and keep an eye on them to see if they too get pollinated. 

I also am receiving cherry tomatoes as well.  Many of the other tomato plants that I grew later on will not be getting fruit any time soon.  The good news is that they are getting flowers which shows that they will produce fruit sooner rather than too much later.  The cherry ones are already getting flowers and fruit that will probably be ready by sometime in July.  They do not take that long to grow and then to ripen.

As you can see I am getting more female flowers, but I will not know for a day or two if they received the pollen needed to continue growing.

Cherry tomatoes

I am not certain but this might possibly be a roma tomato.

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