Thursday, June 26, 2014

Time to Remove all The Weeds in The Garden

Weeding is just one of those tasks that every gardener has to do in order to keep healthy plants throughout the season.  This is what I decided to take on yesterday.  I had only performed some weeding throughout the season, but I had not done the entire garden all at once.  Since most of the garden had plenty of weeds that needed to be removed I thought this would be a perfect time to do so.

Once you remove these weeds by hand you can then work on your plants rather than constantly picking grass and other plants in the garden.  You can also place down a layer of mulch at this time to prevent them from coming back.  I would only do this for the plants that have shallow roots and cannot compete with these weeds.  Corn is one of those that need it along with many others.

I decided to take some pictures of this task before and after to get a sense of what a garden is to look like after an appropriate weeding.

You might think that the above images don't look all that different and that is because this area of the garden did not have as much weeds to deal with as other parts did.  The carrots and beans had the most grass that needed to be removed right away.  You can find more images here.

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