Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Harvested First Zucchini Today

I just harvested my first zucchini of the year only about 12 hours ago when I first woke up today.  I wasn't sure if it was going to be ready because I have never picked one of these vegetables this early in the season before.  I was a little leery on picking it, but once I felt how strong it was and the sound it made when I tapped on it I knew that it was time to pick it.

It ended up being a good choice because then I used it for dinner today and it was well worth the wait and all the work that I put into getting them.  I hope to pick many more this season, but this is just the beginning and I have more that are growing.  I just need to keep an eye on them and watch for any squash borers that might take up residence in the stems.

Other than picking this zucchini I have been weeding the entire garden for the past week.  This process is always a pain, but it is something that I have to do in order to get vegetables and fruit like the one I just picked today.  This is why weeding is very important for all plants. 

Just some pictures I took of the garden when I was finished weeding it for the most part.

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