Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bush Bean Harvesting and More Blueberries are On The Way

Green beans are my favorite vegetables and I always have to grow them in the garden every year.  It wouldn't be a garden if I didn't have my favorite food in it.  As you know bush beans were planted before I started my pole beans.  Although the pole ones take longer to produce fruit anyways, this just adds to the fact that I will be harvesting the bush beans first.

This is what I did today because there might be some rain coming tomorrow that I would like to avoid if I am able to.  I always try to harvest anything before a rain if I can.  I always find that this is a great way to help out my plants and keep them producing flowers throughout the season.

Check out the beans that I collected this afternoon.

I also noticed that there were plenty of more blueberries that needed to be harvested as well.  Some of the older ones turned to a dark color which means that they will taste much sweeter than any of the normal ones that I picked.  They should all be sweet for the most part, but these dark ones will have an extra something that I will notice when I eat them.

Here are the dark ones so you know what I mean.

Three pounds of blueberries can be found right here.

There are many more vegetables that are starting to begin producing in the garden and the season will get really busy soon.  I might have to start writing more posts during the week.  Come find out what other vegetables are growing in my garden.

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