Saturday, July 5, 2014

Harvested The First Set of Blueberries

One of my favorite fruits blueberries are great to have and I always try to enjoy them throughout the summer and save them for days when they are not around.  This week we received much rain which helped them out and the first batch that I picked came two days ago.

I didn't get much because this is only the first of many that will come throughout the entire summer.  One pound is all I got, but there are many more blueberries that I can see that have not yet ripened.  Basically I am hoping that these other bushes will have many more that I will pick in the near future.

Zucchinis are just as great and I had a couple more that needed to be picked before they started to go bad.  I love picking them when they are very large because you cannot find this size in any store.  Although there is only one good meal that you can make out of these large vegetables.

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