Thursday, July 24, 2014

A New Harvest of Cherry Tomatoes Started Today

I just found out that I had a couple of cherry tomatoes that were ready to pick today.  After looking at all of my cherry tomato plants I was able to pick just five of them for now.  They always ripen before any other type of tomato.  I was just surprised that they had turned red this quickly.  Once they start turning it is only a matter of time before you have too many tomatoes in hand and you don't know what to do with them all.

On the other hand I had a cucumber that came a little bit earlier than all the rest and it was time to pick it because it wasn't going to grow any more.  Picking them before they become tough is something that I like to do in order to savor their sweet flavor.

I also took some snapshots of the latest on my two growing pumpkins.  Take a look at how big they have become.

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