Monday, July 28, 2014

A Quick Update and Progress of My Plants as of July 28

I have been taking many pictures of my plants especially my pumpkins and melons when they begin to grow so that I can easily see their growth from the first day until I harvest them.  It is very interesting to watch them during the growth phase because they get bigger every day.

My pole beans are what is very interesting to me because they are starting to grow all over the place and attaching themselves to anything that is near them.  Luckily I fixed this by attaching them to ropes that are hanging from the posts that I set up earlier in the season.

They should be getting flowers soon because they are producing the small buds where flowers will start growing.  Once the flower is pollinated it should begin growing beans.  I have a feeling that they will peak in a few weeks and I will be outside for about an hour picking them.

You can see that the pole beans are already starting to grow way past the poles.  All I need to do is make sure that they start growing downward.  I have about twelve feet to work with which is perfect for these beans.

My pumpkins are doing quite well and I now have at least four with another one on the way that flowered this morning.  It was kind of cloudy and there might not have been many bees around.  Once the sun came out then they were buzzing around annoying the heck out of me, but that is there job if you get in their way.  Just watch the sunflowers and you will see them very clearly.  When they open you will definitely see them.

Third pollinated pumpkin.

Fourth pollinated pumpkin

Find out more on my garden progress and you can easily compare my garden crops to your very own and see where you should be at right now.

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