Monday, July 7, 2014

Tying Tomatoes to Wooden Posts

One of the most important steps in growing tomatoes is to make certain that you have them staked in a way that they will not fall.  When they are on the ground they are susceptible to many pests, insects, and diseases that might be on the soil.  The fruit can easily rot when it is sitting on the ground and it has rained recently. 

This is why I started staking and tying my tomatoes early today.  Getting this part done is one of the most time consuming of most gardening tasks.  Once you get this completed then all you need to do is some basic maintenance with your tomato plants.

I wanted you to see properly tied tomato plants so I took some picture of what my plants look like right after I had tied them to tall wooden poles.

Cherry tomato plants have more leaves and are a little bit shorter than most other tomatoes and that is why tying them together and then to the post is the best course of action which you can see from the last picture.

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