Sunday, July 30, 2017

Another Day Full of a Few New Harvests

I just decided to finally start picking my cherry tomatoes and some pole beans.  I was planning on picking them sometime this weekend and that is exactly what I did today.  There were also a few cucumbers that were also ready which makes for three simple harvests today.

Cherry TomatoesThere were just a few cherry tomatoes that were ready for picking, but there are many more that will hopefully start turning real soon to make even larger harvests.  I usually like to fill large bowls filled with cherry tomatoes.  I am actually waiting on my regular and Roma tomatoes to turn because those are the tomatoes I like to use the most.

Pole Beans
My beans this season were quite large and I would say that they were just shy of a foot long.  This goes for all the ones that I picked today.  Looking through the vines I saw that there were many more to pick and they were about the same size, but were just not ready to pick yet.

CucumbersJust wanted to mention the four cucumbers that I picked today as well.  Two were pickle cucumbers and the other two were just normal cucumbers.  I wasn't planning on picking a couple of them, but they were a decent size and I didn't want them to grow on the vine for too long.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Start Getting Ready for Many Harvests in the Garden

Cucumber Harvest
It is that time when harvests of many fruits and vegetables will be coming.  For now I have started with zucchini, cucumbers, a couple of pickle cucumbers, and blueberries.  I have been looking through the garden and it looks like I have some beans to be picked very soon.  I could start picking them today, but instead I picked a couple of cucumbers that needed to be harvested right away.
Pole Beans
 You can see from the picture that my pole beans are growing, but they are just not quite ready for picking.  There are a few early birds that are ready and I might pick those this weekend, but the majority will most likely be ready in a week or so.
Cherry Tomato Ripening
It looks like tomato picking is on the horizon as well with a couple of my cherry tomatoes beginning to ripen.  It doesn’t take long for these types of tomatoes to start ripening since they are a much smaller size than the others that I am growing.  That is why they are the first to be picked which shouldn’t be that long from now.

Small Cantaloupe
I think I have a cantaloupe that has been pollinated recently.  One of the vines has many fruits, but there is only one that looks like it has been getting bigger once the flower fell off.  It could be the first melon of the season depending if it continues to grow or not.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Now Some Cucumbers can be Harvested Today

Cucumber HarvestI have left my cucumbers on the vines for plenty of days and it is now time to remove them from the vine and enjoy their amazing and sweet taste.  I wanted to pick them earlier, but I ended up harvesting them today instead. 

Four Zucchinis
I also decided to start picking all kinds of zucchinis that were growing in the garden.  I was only going to pick one or two, but I saw that many of them were hard enough that they needed to be removed from the plant today.  I collected only four average to large sized zucchinis.  I still have plenty out there and will continue picking them as long as the plants provide them.

Just a quick side note on my squash plants that include my pumpkins, I have found about three pumpkins that are pollinated and have started getting bigger each day.  As long as I keep feeding them and don’t let them get dry they should continue getting bigger. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Getting to Harvest Zucchini Today and Soon Many Other Vegetables

Right now I have not harvested anything from my summer crop.  If you count blueberries as a summer crop, then I have only harvested one fruit this season.  Well all that changed today when I harvested the first zucchini of the season. 


Not only are my zucchini plants producing vegetables, but my cucumbers are on the verge of harvesting as well.  For now it is my straight eight cucumbers, but my pickle cucumbers will probably come shortly after these. 


 One pumpkin looks like it wants to grow right on the vine.  I have a pumpkin plant that has its first pumpkin growing right on the vine.  This is the first one of the season as well and with many other vines growing in the garden I hope to see more of them in the coming weeks.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Much Harvesting of Zucchini and Tomatoes on the Way

I would say that most of the harvesting of my vegetables and fruits from the garden will be coming sometime this month.  I would say in the next few weeks I should be start harvesting my tomatoes.  My zucchini are ready to be picked and there are a minimum of three that need to be picked soon.

This is just one of the zucchinis that I plan on picking this weekend.  I think it is a perfect size for harvesting and I always wait until they have reached their peak size.

Tomatoes are also on my list for harvesting, but they will not be ready for another couple of weeks once they reach their peak size they still need to ripen.  It is still good to see most of my plants producing tomatoes including my steakhouse, cherry, and even Roma.

Here is just a small cluster of Roma tomatoes that have been hiding on some of my plants.  I hope to get plenty of them in order to make as much sauce as possible to enjoy over the Fall and Winter.

Some more blueberries were ready for picking and I picked my second harvest of these delicious berries.  I think I will have at least a few more harvests and hope to pick as many as possible.

This is just a sample of some of the berries that I picked recently.  I have many more that need to be harvested real soon and I hope to do that in the next couple of days or so.