Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Alyssum Flowers are Perfect for Starting Inside

The very first flowers that are started inside are my alyssum seeds.  I have two annual seeds that I use that produce either white or purple flowers.  I do have a perennial type that is outside right now and should be showing some signs that it will begin to flower soon.  With this warm weather I would not be surprised that it is starting to awaken from its slumber.  These flowers are yellow and differ a little bit from their annual brothers.

Most other years I would plant three containers of alyssum and two of dill just to get a variety of flowers started right away.  I wanted to do something a little different and instead of planting dill along with alyssum I just planted all the alyssum seeds that I had.  I bought two packets and I was able to get five containers of alyssum seeds done.  I have a few more seeds which I can add to some smaller containers later on.  For now I have my alyssum ready and next I will be working on dill.

I keep them on the windowsill instead of placing them underneath fluorescent lights.  Even if there was not much sun they sprout quite quickly and within a week I should begin to see signs of life.

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