Monday, March 21, 2016

Using Fluorescent Lights for More Indoor Planting

Now that my spinach plants no longer need fluorescent lights to continue growing I can now use this light for different seeds.  I do the same thing every and once my spinach are just about ready to stay outside all night I can use these lights for the bulk of my garden.

Although the bulk of the garden is in the form of tomato plants I like to think that the ones I planted today are the second part of my garden.  These will make up the second half of the garden not including corn, beans, and carrots. 

The one thing I want to mention before I discuss the various seeds I planted this evening is the one new plant I added this season.  I normally grow the same thing each year, but I always like to add something new to the garden.  This year I am going with planting another melon.  Honeydew is going to be the one fruit I will be focusing on this season.  I though it would be a good addition because you can make a great fruit salad using watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew.

Honeydew seeds on the left and cantaloupe seeds on the right.

I didn't think I needed to add too many seeds for my honeydew, but I thought my cantaloupe might need an extra one.  This is just in case some of them may not sprout.  Hopefully they will all sprout because there is always room to remove some of them.  This is only in case more than one of them grow in each pot.

Peppers, cucumbers, and eggplant are other seeds that I planted today.  They are quite simple and since they are a little bit older than my melon seeds I needed to plant several seeds in each pot.  Four for cucumbers, five for eggplants, and six for peppers.  I have found that older peppers do not sprout well and that is the big reason for adding many into one single container.

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