Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spinach Sprouting Early and Flowers and Herbs Planted

So far I have only planted my alyssum as a flower to be used in the garden this season.  I like to always get as many flowers as possible to help out the insects outside and give them food that they need.  If I help them then they will help me and my garden in return. 

Dill is a great plant for this reason and I like to plant as many as early as I can.  This is only done once I get my spinach planted along with my alyssum.  I have many more flowers that I would like to plant which I will do either today or sometime during this week.  Time is catching up and very soon I will have to start planting tomatoes, melons, eggplants, and so much more.

Right now I am focusing on flowers in the beginning and later on I will deal with vegetables and fruits I will need to plant early.  Just like my alyssum flowers I use large pots that will hold many seeds and many plants for at least a couple of months at the most until the weather is warm enough to put them in the ground.

Just on a quick note I wanted to let you know that my spinach seeds are actually growing and they are popping through the soil.  They usually take a while to grow because of their hard shell, but this year they are thriving very quickly.

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