Sunday, March 6, 2016

Getting Lettuce Seeds into Small Peat Pots

This is going to be a short post because all I did was plant some lettuce seeds in some simple peat pots that I had from last season.  Right now the stores do not have gardening supplies yet and so I will be using some peat pots that I had saved from the previous year. 

My lettuce crop last season could have been much better and this year I want to make sure that I get the best harvest that I can grow.  I am mainly working on my Ruby glow hybrid this season because I didn't get as much last year.  As long as I don't have to deal with animals eating it I think I can do pretty good.  As long as I can get them into the ground while the weather is cool and not too warm I should be fine.

I am not putting them under lights either which is something I should probably think about doing, but for now the windowsill should provide the sunlight that they require.

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