Monday, July 27, 2015

Checked Out First Pepper and Many More Cucumbers on the Way

I had a pepper growing on one of the plants that looked like it had reached its potential size and I decided on picking it today.  I could have left it on the plant and it probably would have been fine and maybe it would have grown to even a bigger size.  I will never know how big it could have became.  Right now it is a good size and it is perfect for use in meals, salads, or even salsas.

About the size of a baseball and that is definitely a good size for any home or organic garden.  Obviously if they were any bigger I wouldn't complain, but as long as these peppers taste sweet that is all that I am looking forward to testing.  Non sweet peppers would just be a big disappointment, but definitely fixable for the other peppers to come.

Just a small pepper flower that signals that many more are to come.

Many cucumbers are on the way as well when I looked through my plants I saw that there were quite a few vegetables growing on the vines.  Sometimes you have to look real good because many times the leaves can easily cover them and you might miss some that were ready.  Today was one of those days and luckily I happened to see it not too late. 

It was only one cucumber but it was still a large sized one that I didn't want to get any bigger because it could have a bad taste if it gets too big.  When I cut it from the vine it had a very sweet smell so that is a very good sign.  Only time will tell how good this cucumber tastes.

With that said I want to show you some others that will be ready in the near future.

I actually have many more, but these are a few that I wanted to show you that should be ready by the end of the week or sooner.

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