Thursday, July 16, 2015

Melon Plants Starting to Produce Fruit

One of the most important things that I check in my garden is if my vine plants are producing fruit or at least flowers that will lead to having fruit.  For example I noticed that some of my melons are producing flowers, but still don't have any fruit that has been pollinated.  On the other hand I have a couple of vines that do have some fruit that should continue to grow each day.

Here are some cantaloupes and watermelon fruits that are beginning to grow as of today.

This is just one cantaloupe that I have on my vines.  I have three total and if you count the watermelon that that means I have four melons total.

This is one watermelon that I have so far.  With just two plants I should hopefully be able to harvest two watermelons.  The one below is from the first plant that was transplanted early in the season.

Cucumbers are also growing quite well and a few more that will be ready by this weekend are just waiting to be harvested.  I ate the first one today and it tasted real sweet and no bitterness at all.  This is what I hope for every garden season.  Check out all the cucumbers that will be picked very soon.

Aside from melons and cucumbers I am getting some beans starting to grow as well.  I happened to get them earlier than last season, but this is just one plant that has a bean.  When a large enough harvest comes I will be sure that I let you know.

Some peppers are coming through as well.

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