Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It is Time for Ripening Fruits Such as Tomatoes

Tomatoes and melons are the focus of this blog post and only a couple of tomatoes are starting to turn red while my melons are just getting bigger each day.  This is all you can really do for melons is watch them get bigger and bigger.  I am also giving them more fertilizer because many of the plants are producing many cantaloupes that are sucking up nutrients to feed these melons.

The two melons above are small to medium sized cantaloupes that are hopefully going to get much larger before I have to harvest them.  So far their size is increasing with each passing day and at this point this is when they are heavy feeders to create a big enough melon.  I like large melons and I am doing everything I can to get them as large as possible.  Below is the watermelon that is growing as well.

Now at the moment my melons are not even close to harvest time, but one fruit is close and that would be my tomatoes.  Only a couple of tomatoes have begun ripening and one of them is a Roma tomato and some cherry tomatoes have started as well.  In a couple of weeks with good weather I should see them bright red or pink and ready for picking.  I love fresh tomatoes and there is nothing better than this when growing an organic garden.

Here you can tell that it is an orange color and it only started turning just yesterday.  In just two days this is how far it has gone with the ripening process.  As you can see it doesn't take that long at all.  With sunny days it will ripen even faster so hopefully the weather will hold up and the sun will get these fruits pink to red in color.

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