Saturday, July 25, 2015

Picking Pole Beans and Pulling Up Onions Coming Soon

From what I can tell from looking through the garden is that the next vegetable that I will be picking for the 2015 season is pole beans and then onions.  I have some peppers that are also just about ready for harvesting, but in this post I am going to focus on onions and pole beans.

Pole beans are one of the most time consuming of vegetables to pick, but is definitely worth the time to pick them all or at leas most of them.  They grow quite fast and once they start to produce their vines the flowers are quickly produced and the beans will get very large quickly.  It only takes them about a week to get to full size once they have been pollinated.  You can see from the photos below how big they are capable of getting.

I leave them on the vine in order to get them as big as possible before they beans start to dry out and become not good for eating.  I will probably do a small harvest to pick up all the ones that are ready and will not get any bigger. 

Also watching for flowers is another good sign that I will be getting more beans in the season.  Pole beans or any type of bean including bush types need potassium for flower growth and I made sure that I supplied them with kelp meal which is a perfect fertilizer for these plants.  Hopefully they will continue to produce flowers and beans all season long.

Onions are also on the verge of harvesting and I think that they will be ready this weekend.  Most of the stems have fallen over and I have not been watering them since the beginning of this week.  Drying them out allows the onions to dry and makes them much easier to store without worrying about mold or other fungus growing on them in storage.

You can see that they are no longer standing up on their own and this is due mainly to the weather and hot temperatures that we have been receiving.  Once the warm or hot temperatures arrive they are pretty much done for the season.

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