Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Cucumber Season has Begun

I wasn't sure if I was going to pick a cucumber today, because it didn't look like it was ready this past weekend.  I though it would need a couple more days, but I guess with all the hot and sunny weather it was able to quickly grow to its fullest size.  I took a look at it today and I just wanted to pick it immediately.  I can't wait to cut into it and have a taste of this delicious cucumber. 

Many more are coming and it is just a matter of time before I have too many.  This is what I am hoping for this season.  Last season was not the best and I am looking to make up from last year with a large amount of cucumbers in 2015.  I have plenty of plants that can do it I just need to make sure that they are getting all the nutrients they need to continue growing and producing cucumbers.

I am glad with the size of the cucumber especially for the first harvest.  I saw another one that looked like it was ready for picking.  I will probably pick that one in a couple of days of good weather.  Today it has been raining off and on.  I still was able to get some work done including adding mulch to my beans, corn, and harvesting cucumbers.

On the other hand my fall plants are growing good for now and I made sure to thin them out this year to avoid having multiple plants in one spot.  This would be a problem especially when growing them in plastic cups.  One was left to each pot.  Since I love broccoli more than most people I want to make sure that I get plenty that I can use over the Winter and decided to grow ten more pots.  Now I can potentially have twenty broccoli plants for the fall season.  Hopefully all the seeds will grow very quickly.

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