Friday, July 10, 2015

Getting the Bean Vines to Start Climbing up Simple Ropes

One of the best things that I can do for my bean plants is to finish setting up my bean trellis which requires rope for climbing purposes.  I like to finish this process once my beans begin growing and start showing signs of vine climbing.  This would usually include vines that are starting to grab onto everything in sight.  It is actually quite unique that they are able to climb basically anything. 

It is best to place a fence for them to climb, but I have found that ropes are just as good.  This has worked for me and I would definitely recommend using something like this for your pole beans.  Bush beans will not need this at all.

If you are growing pole beans you may have to untie them from whatever they are climbing and place them on the ropes that you have added.  Look at the picture below.

Removing weeds from the garden can be a big pain and if you have ever gardened before then you know exactly what I mean.  Mulch is the best way to eliminate and suffocate weeds from your plants.  I added some mulch to my corn because I don't want to weed them for the rest of the year.  Their roots are too close to the surface that if you start weeding aggressively like myself then you can easily harm the roots and the plant may be stunted or even die.  A thick layer of mulch will solve this issue.

My fall crop is on schedule as my seeds of cabbage and broccoli have began sprouting and within a month or so will be placed in the garden for producing delicious food hopefully.  Once I thin them out in a couple of days or so it will be much more noticeable of what they are.  They start out the same which includes all the brassica such as kale, cabbage, broccoli, etc.

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