Monday, August 24, 2015

Harvesting Twenty Two Ears of Corn and Seven Steakhouse Tomatoes

These are just two things that I didn't plan on doing today, but it ended up working in the end once I went into the garden to take a look at my plants.  I knew that the corn was probably ready to bring inside and eat immediately.  What I didn't know was how much there was to pick and how many ears I would have to cook. 

Twenty two was the total amount of corn that I picked this evening.  I decided on removing the covering from the ears and cook them for dinner.  They were definitely worth all the work that I gave them and all the rain recently was definitely a big help.  You can see for yourself how good the corn came out this season.

Tomatoes were also ripening and mainly the steakhouse ones.  The Roma tomatoes will most likely be picked in the very near future such as during this week sometime.  I didn't get as many steakhouse tomatoes as I usually do because of the amount of plants that I grew this season.  I planted less than normal thinking I would still get plenty to eat.  The fact is that I got enough for a summer season and as long as they last a couple of weeks I will be happy.

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