Thursday, August 13, 2015

Today is the Day for Several Harvests

A couple days after a rain storm I thought would be the perfect time to do several harvests.  A good rain always increases production of most plants especially in ripening.  After the rain it has been sunny as well which made the tomatoes turn red much faster.  They are now ready to be picked.

I love picking tomatoes because I can do quite a bit with them.  The 13 pounds of cherry tomatoes are great for salads and eating them whole.  The 26 pounds of Roma tomatoes are perfect for sauces because they are more meaty than cherry or steakhouse.  The three steakhouse tomatoes I picked today are great for sandwiches and are the perfect size for them.

Beans are not ripe type plants, but instead when they reach the desired size and stop growing then it is time to pick them.  They were quite big and that is exactly how I like my pole beans.  14 pounds today is what I collected.  At first I didn't think I was going to pick that much, but once I went through the entire row I was able to locate more beans and picked up the pace.

Again more cucumbers were ready today and I got only five of them.  They were about average size for them and nothing to big or fancy.  These will be good for cutting up and eating them as is or placing slices in some apple cider vinegar.

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