Sunday, August 2, 2015

Its Time for Another Harvest of Pole Beans

The second harvest is one I always look forward to because this is where I get an increase and start yielding many more beans that the first time.  From looking at my plants and how they are growing it looks like that I should be receiving plenty more of them in future harvests.  I am not sure how much more, but only time will tell exactly what I will get.  Hopefully it will be close to last years harvest.

Some more tomatoes, cucumbers, and one zucchini were picked up today as well.  I am getting many more tomatoes and most of them are at full size, but they are still green and will probably begin ripening all at once.  I did pick up a two pound Roma this afternoon which is the biggest Roma I have picked this season and I hope there are many more.

Here are some more tomatoes I picked today.

Three more cucumbers.

Last, but not least one zucchini.

I just want to mention that my onions are still drying, but only for a few more days they will be left outside and then I can begin to use them.  I have already brought in the first set of onions that were dry and I should begin using them very soon.  I am hoping that these onions will last the rest of the year.  Last year I didn't plant as many but was able to use them all the way up to the beginning of December or end of November.  This time I want them to last all the way to January first.  That was my ultimate goal with onions this season.

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