Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Silks on Corn Stalks are Beginning To Finally Appear

It is that time of the year where corn silks appear and I have to pollinate them using the pollen collected from many of the corn tassels.  This pollen on the tassels is how I like to pollinate my corn and is very simple to do once you know what to do.  I like to hand pollinate corn because this allows me to know when they are pollinated and is just a much more reliable means to ensure my corn will start growing.

Once I get the pollen from the tassels I then place it right on top of the silks.

That is all there is to it.

Now I have picked some Roma tomatoes today in order to make enough sauce to fill up a few glass mason jars.  It was not much, but I only used Roma tomatoes instead of using every tomato that I collected from the garden this season.  This was the whole reason why I decided on growing more super sauce tomato plants this season.  Right now it is starting to pay off.

These were just the tomatoes from today.  I had picked others earlier this week and some last week and they too were used for the sauce.  I think I ended up using about 12 of them for the sauce.  Hopefully I will continue to get more Roma tomatoes which means more sauce for the Winter.

The third harvest of pole beans was completed today.  There were plenty that were not quite ready and will probably be picked on a later or the next harvest.  I got nine pounds of beans which was the same as the one from a few days ago.  I am looking to get more than nine pounds from my vines soon.  I still am picking enough that I will have to begin canning them soon.

Cucumbers is one vegetable that has been surprisingly very productive.  Some seasons they are productive and others they are just not.  I am definitely happy with how they are growing and can't wait to collect more of them this season.  I have six more that I need to add into the refrigerator in order to keep them as long as possible.

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