Monday, August 4, 2014

More Fruits and Vegetables Beginning to Grow

Getting new fruit is always happening throughout the entire season.  Depending on the amount of plants you grow you might end up seeing this quite often.  Today I discovered that I had an eggplant that looks like it was pollinated about a week ago.  I must have missed it because I did not take a picture of it just before it started growing.  Today I made sure I took a snapshot of the eggplant.

As of last week my corn was starting to develop tassels which are used to pollinate the corn silks that they are producing.  Some of them look like they have been pollinated because they are beginning to develop ears of corn on the side of the stalks.  This is very exciting because I only get to enjoy corn on the cob one time per year.

The last new fruit that is growing in the garden is a cantaloupe.  They start off real small and fuzzy and get bigger each and every day.  Once they are done growing then they will create the skin that we all know all over the fruit.  This won't happen until another few weeks.

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