Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Just Picked The Most Green Beans Ever in a Single Day

As I mentioned before I was waiting for my pole beans to become mature and ready for harvesting.  I did do a small one earlier and that was definitely a good sign of more to come.  Well that time came today with an incredible amount of pole beans that needed to be collected today.

I was shocked when I had filled up one of the containers I use for harvesting in just a few short minutes.  When this happened I got real excited that I would have many more beans to pick and more for me to enjoy even through the Winter once I start preserving them.

I even collected some peppers today along with other tomatoes that I haven't picked just yet.  I am finally getting some Roma types beginning to ripen and I will be using them for making sauce so that I can easily store them for the Winter as well. 

Three peppers were picked today along with my beans.

Take a look at the new Roma tomatoes I gathered today.  These will be perfect for sauce that I will most likely be making later in the season.  Once I collect enough I then will start production on sauce.

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