Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Getting A Record Amount of Pole Beans This Season

Yesterday and today were very interesting days in the fact that I had to pick pole beans that I didn't think I had.  What I mean is that I didn't know that this many pole beans were in the garden.  I only planted a couple of rows in hopes of getting a decent harvest.

In hopes of getting pole beans I planted them a second time to make sure that I would get enough.  Even with all the thinning out that I did I still was able to get an incredible amount of beans.  Between today and yesterday I got over thirty pounds.  To be exact I got 25 yesterday and 8 today which comes out to 33 pounds of pole beans.

I had an idea that I would get quite a bit, but I didn't think that one row would fill up six containers quite easily.  That's right one row was able to fill up six large containers.  That is why I had to stop yesterday because I had ran out of large containers to use.  After hours of picking these beans I decided that it was best to finish it today.

That is exactly what I did this afternoon.  Finished off the second row and filled up on one container and got 8 pounds from them.  I will eventually have more to pick, but for the moment the plants can continue to grow and produce even more flowers.

I also gained some more Roma tomatoes as well this week.  I know it is harvest season and there will be many things to pick including melons, peppers, eggplants, and so much more.  I decided on picking some of the Roma tomatoes early and place them in the window to ripe so that I don't have to worry about them in the future.  They are just for some tomato sauce that I will use throughout the Winter.  Nothing special will come of them.  Since they are meaty fruits this is perfect use for them.

Some Roma tomatoes on the windowsill.

I ended up picking up some corn as well since it had been a few days since the last batch that I picked.  Many of them were starting to ripen real quick especially with all the sun that we have been getting this entire month of August.  I took a look at a few of them and finally picked about 17 of them today.

They are average in size and I can't complain about the amount of corn that I am getting on a consistent basis.  I would like to have them a little bit bigger, but they are a great size for the most part.  I will have to keep this in mind for next year and make sure that I do some things a little bit different in order for larger ears.

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